Board Certification Program Banner Image

5-PATH® International Association of Hypnosis Professionals


5-PATH® IAHP board certification exceeds all board certification standards and qualifications established in the profession of hypnosis and hypnotherapy.

Receiving 5-PATH® IAHP board certification is a distinction setting the individual apart from non-board-certified hypnosis professionals.

5-PATH® IAHP board certification indicates a high level of commitment to the profession as well as the willingness to go beyond the minimum certification training and evaluation.

The Credential

Members who become board certified will receive the designation of being a 5-PATH® IAHP Board-Certified Hypnosis Professional (BCHP).

Benefit to the Public, Employers and Other Professions

This board certification benefits the public, employers, and other professionals by certifying that the individual has a high degree of commitment to the profession, has practical experience, and professionalism.

Furthermore, board certified members of 5-PATH® IAHP have shown a history of ethical practice. Any member who has any unresolved ethics complaint cannot receive or maintain board certification status.

When choosing a 5-PATH® IAHP BCHP member, one gets the assurance that this certified hypnotist/hypnotherapist has gone beyond initial hypnosis and/or hypnotherapy certification, has passed the board certification examinations, has stood before a board of experienced hypnosis professionals, and was interviewed to ascertain character, knowledge and their understanding of professional ethics.

Maintaining the status of BCHP requires active membership in the 5-PATH® International Association of Hypnosis Professionals (IAHP) and is in good standing.

Who Conducts the Board Certification?

5-PATH® IAHP board certification is overseen and conducted by the Board Certification Committee, consisting of highly respected and experienced members of our organization who have demonstrated all of the above listed traits and strive for the betterment of the profession as a whole.

Members can apply for the Board Certification Committee membership by contacting the 5-PATH® IAHP office.

Member Benefits

In addition to benefitting the public, employers, and other professionals who may want to work with our members, there are many benefits for our 5-PATH® IAHP members who qualify.

Member benefits are many (overview):

  • Have a solid credential above Certified Hypnotist to hold out to the public.

  • BCHP has higher requirements for qualification for the board certification.

  • BCHP qualification is in line with your 5-PATH® IAHP training.

  • BCHP exams and interview are online, so you don’t have to incur the cost of travel.

  • BCHP exams and interview are online, so you don’t have to incur the costs of food and lodging.

  • BCHP exams and interview are online, so you don’t have be away from your office, home, and family for days.

  • At this time, you have the opportunity to be the first in your state or country to become a BCHP.

  • Declare to potential clients that you are not a hobbyist! You are a working professional.

  • The prestige of joining and being recognized as part of an elite group of hypnosis professionals!

Having the BCHP credential to hold out to the public, possible employers and other professionals distinguishes these members from hobby hypnotists and certified hypnotists who may not have been seeing clients making it a truly valuable credential to attain.

Having the BCHP credential shows those in our organization that this is a member who was willing and able to demonstrate a competent knowledge about our hypnosis systems and was willing to stand before the BCHP committee and respond to questions about the member’s hypnosis practice.

There is also a level of prestige that comes with the BCHP that has with it, a recognition of achievement readily recognized by peers in the organization.

Our Program Strives for Constant Improvement

Our program requirements, exams and procedures can and will change over time. We take into consideration our experience with candidates, new technology and feedback from our membership. Changes and updates are to be expected. Candidates for BCHP will be notified of any changes to the program before they start.

Who Qualifies to Become A Candidate for BCHP?

Here are the current qualifications needed to apply for BCHP:

  1. Must be a member in good standing.

  2. Must pay the BCHP fees before starting.

  3. Must have seen 20 paying clients (approximately 100 sessions) using 5-PATH® Forward or 7th Path™ Forward. Contact us for percentages if you want 7th Path™ Forward clients counted.

  4. No unresolved ethics complaints.

  5. Access to the current Level I and II Manuals from class.

  6. Willingness and ability to take exams and interview online at the appointed times.

Board Certification Schedule

Board certification exams and interview scheduling will be announced to our members. Usually that announcement is made on our 5-PATH® IAHP Members Message Board. Announcements may also be made in the 5-PATH® IAHP Newsletter.

BCHP Process for Members

  1. Check to see if you qualify.

  2. Pay the certification fee (which is the same as the NGH BCH fee of $250.00 plus $25.00 non-refundable application fee).

  3. Fill out the application and make sure it gets to 5-PATH® IAHP Headquarters.

  4. Write an article for our journal (about 500 words or more) on the topic of 5-PATH®, The Secret Language of Feelings, 7th Path Forward, or closely related topic.

  5. Take and pass the first exam which is open book.

  6. Take and pass the second shorter closed book exam with an exam monitor online.

  7. Interview with members of the BCHP committee or designated 5-PATH® IAHP Member.

  8. Failure to pass an exam requires a retake of the exam for a fee.

  9. Upon completion and successfully passing the exams and interview, you will receive your numbered BCHP certificate.

Getting Started

The first step to getting started is to call our office. We will check to confirm that you are an active member, answer any questions that you may have and provide you with the application to get started.

Office Hours:

9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Central Time

Phone Numbers:
