Becoming an effective hypnosis professional is one of the most fulfilling professional choices you can make. The best way you can become an effective hypnosis professional is to seek out and become 5-PATH® trained and certified.
Scroll Down for List of Instructors
“5-PATH®” is an acronym for the longer version of the name, “5 Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnosis”. It is a powerful, efficient, and systematic approach to conduction hypnosis and hypnotherapy sessions. It integrates some of the most powerful hypnosis techniques and processes into one complete system that can be used for virtually every issue that a hypnosis professional may be called to work with.
There are three ways that you can become a 5-PATH® Certified Hypnosis professional.
The first way is to go through our National Guild of Hypnotists Approved Banyan Certification Super Course with 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis?. It is typically a ten day course with over a 100 hours of training taught by Cal Banyan or one of our Certified Professional Hypnosis Instructors (CPHIs). This course is designed to teach and train someone with little or no hypnosis training and experience.
The second way is for those hypnosis professionals who want to become 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis? certified. It is usually 7 to 8 days long. This course is also taught by Cal Banyan or one of our CPHIs. To take this course, the candidate must have a minimum of 40 hours of paid basic hypnosis certification training.
The third way to become 5-PATH® certified is through distance learning. There is a course for those who have no previous training, and a distance learning course for those who are already certified.
We’ve trained and certified hypnosis professionals from around the world
In addition to having truly professional hypnosis training and certification designed by Cal Banyan “The Authority On Hypnosis That Works”, upon becoming certified, you get membership in our organization, the 5-PATH® International Association of Hypnosis Professionals, and unsurpassed support after graduation.
Below is a list of trainers who you can contact for more information about course fees and availability.
Certified Professional Hypnosis Instructors
Located In the USA
Calvin D. Banyan, MA, BCHP, MCPHI, A+CPHI
Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc.
University Plaza
275 West Campbell Road, Suite 205
Richardson, Texas 75080
Phone: 469-969-2176 or 800-965-3390
Website: www.BanyanHypnosisCareerTraining.com
Email: calbanyan@hypnosiscenter.com
Kimberly Lynne, BCHP, CPHI
Lynne Hypnosis
39 W. Pine Ave.
Meridian, ID 83642
Phone: 208-606-3335
Email: Kim@LynneHypnosis.com
Website: LynneHypnosis.com
New York
Joan Ann Fissette, MS, BCHP, CPHI
5 Longkill Road, Suite 2
Ballston Lake, New York 12019
Phone: (518)526-5012
Website: freedomthruhypnosis.com
Email: joanannf@gmail.com
Marcella Hilferty, CPHI
Hypno Path Center LLC
Easton, Pennsylvania
Phone: 610-248-2358
Website: www.HypnoPathCenter.com
Email: HypnoPathCenter@gmail.com
Penny Chiasson, CRNA, BCH, CPHI
Business Address:
10440 Highway 19 North
Philadelphia, MS 39350
Phone: (769) 241-0888
Website: www.pennychiasson.com
Email: Penny@pennychiasson.com
Erika Flint, BA, BCHP, MCPHI, A+CPHI
Cascade Hypnosis Center for Training & Services
103 East Holly Street, Suite B1
Bellingham, WA 98225
Phone: 360-392-8723
Website: CascadeHypnosisCenter.com and ErikaFlint.com
Email: erika@cascadehypnosiscenter.com
Judge Williams, CPHI
Blooming Lotus Hypnosis Services & Training
200 N Mullan, Suite 202 Spokane Valley Washington 99206
Phone: 509-655-0693 and 208-819-1090
Website: https://www.bloominglotushypnosis.com/training
Email: wellness@bloominglotushypnosis.com
Alexander FIdelman, CCHt, CPHI
Hypnosis 4 Better Life
20801 Biscayne Blvd., Suite 403
Aventura, FL 33180
Phone: (786) 588-5770
Website: https://www.hypnosis4betterlife.com/
Email: hello@hypnosis4betterlife.com
Located Outside of the USA (International)
Peggy M. Kelly, CPHI
Elmira, ON N3B 2V7
(905)623-0348 or (905)623-0092
Phone: (905)623-0092
Website: https://www.peggykellydavieshypnosis.ca/
Email: hypnohelp@rogers.com
Benny Vadmand, CPHI
Vester voldgade 86,1
1552 Copenhagen V
Website: www.new-you.dk
Email: Benny@new-you.dk
Phone: +45 29714190
Linda Chua, CPHI
The Hypnosis Centre
330 Siglap Road
Singapore 455917
Phone: (65) 9236 5196
Website: www.hypnosis.sg
Email: Linda@hypnosis.sg
Fauziah Shah, CPHI
Petra Hypnosis & Training Centre Pte Ltd
400 Orchard Road
Orchard Towers, #13-08
Singapore 238875
Phone: (65) 62506166 (65) 91000432
Website: www.petrahypnosis.com
Email: Fauziahshah@gmail.com